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Messages - Archronos

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Help/Support / Re: Discord Integration / Bot Not Working
« on: April 07, 2017, 05:38:55 AM »
I've literally tried everything I can think of. Did a full uninstall, even went as far as ripping it out of the Registry. Connect remains greyed out. I cannot connect, and it refuses to let me save a new bot token. It still remembers the old one. In a clean install, with no user files, it will accept a bot token and saves it, but when you come back into Master Settings, it's blank again and Connect is still greyed out.

I take it nobody else replies here who might know how to fix this?

Help/Support / Re: Discord Integration / Bot Not Working
« on: March 26, 2017, 08:17:54 PM »
Try going here:
Select the bot application > Make suare the Bot Token and Client Application ID Match. Maybe even try generating a new token?

Hey man. In my 2nd post I said I already tried remaking the bot. Deepbot has a Bot Token and Client Application ID stored correctly, but Connect is greyed out and cannot be clicked. The first time you load up Deepbot, if you try to click Connect, despite the button not being clickable (doesn't even turn blue on mouse over), the Master Settings page jumps up halfway up the page and you have to scroll down to the Discord section again. From then on, you still can't click it, it doesn't do anything. Join Server works, it opens a web browser and asks me to confirm I want to give the bot rights in my Discord server, as well as selecting my Discord server in the dropdown.

I appreciate you trying to help but if you're the only person I'm going to get to talk to about this, I need you to move past simple setup stuff, as my problem seems to be deeper than that. The Bot Token it has stored doesn't match the one on the website where the bot is made (what you linked), and if I try to change the Bot Token in Deepbot, and click Save, when I go back into Master Settings, it will be the old one again. It's also got a channel in Monitor Channels and Broadcast Channels that I deleted in Discord, so it isn't updating in any way.

Help/Support / Re: Discord Integration / Bot Not Working
« on: March 26, 2017, 07:32:19 AM »
Those are definitely not correct. You can find the token and ID when you setup integration:

Hey NumbLock - just to clarify, I've already hooked it up before, it was working fine. After the latest Deepbot update, I can't get it to connect anymore - the imgur link is just to show Connect is greyed out. I have obviously masked my personal Discord link / bot link since I was gonna be posting the image here for anyone to look at.

It doesn't matter what I put in those fields, when I save, it will have the "old" values saved again, like it isn't interested in my input, and Connect is still greyed out.

Hope that has cleared up any confusion!

Help/Support / Re: Discord Integration / Bot Not Working
« on: March 25, 2017, 05:57:30 PM »
Join Server does work, I can authorise the bot on a browser page and see him appear in offline members in Discord, but I can't bring it online due to Connect being greyed and the bot token not updating. Tried remaking the bot, no joy

Help/Support / Discord Integration / Bot Not Working
« on: March 25, 2017, 05:56:25 PM »
Any idea how to fix this? Bot Token and Client Application ID can be changed but won't save / update, and Connect remains greyed out, no matter what I put in Bot Token

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