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Messages - GamingYordles

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Bot Name Change
« on: December 17, 2014, 06:00:43 AM »
I want my bot to be changed to LunaSkylark instead of GamingYordlesBot

Pre-release Feedback / Re: The one thing I'm not liking about Deepbot.
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:24:12 AM »
The design of DeepBot is more than just a program. It is an eco-system that will continue to grow.
It is a hybrid of server hosted services and client hosted connectivity. Running it as a standalone disconnected from the backbone network is not possible.

As such, Given the infrastructure costs, it will most likely not be a free to use solution on release.

While I can't go into specifics of the final financing model at release, I will say I want to make this application as inclusive as possible.
There are still a few technical infrastructure hurdles I need to overcome, before I have full clarity over how things will shape up.

That being said, the most likely release structure I am thinking around, would include three features:
  • Basic features for a fairly low cost, with premium features purchasable on demand. Pick and choose what you need for your stream, or get it all if thats what you are looking for!
  • Ability to scale with the stream. A structure that is fairly low cost for smaller streams. However as your streams grow and consume more resources, your "plan" scales to keep up with your growth.
  • Referral benefits. If your stream brings people to the DeepBot eco-system, you will get credits to subsidise your stream costs.

Happy to hear feedback, as this is still very fluid and still some time away.
I love your bot so I hope in the future it won't be out of my price range college has made streaming hard.. Well at least having nice things for my stream harder I should say

Pre-release Feedback / Re: The one thing I'm not liking about Deepbot.
« on: August 25, 2014, 06:36:52 PM »
I myself am loving the bot and am donating $5.00 a month but when it comes out it would be nice if people that supported the bot get options...I am in college and really can't afford a lot of these bots sadly so if I lose deepbot I would be so sad this is the best bot I have ever used!

Feature Requests / League of Legends commands
« on: August 01, 2014, 08:33:59 AM »
Would it be possible for League of Legends commands since it is the Number 1 most streamed game. I was thinking something like this
!runes [<summoner name> <region>]
!rank [<summoner name> <region>]

Was browsing Google
I try for every day around 3pm but can't guarantee it
1-12 working hard to get out there

(Option 2)

Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

Pages: [1]