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Messages - bamboochew

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Redemption style commands
« on: January 18, 2018, 11:51:55 PM »
Hi, been using the !redeem commands as provided by your wiki for a while now.

The code is using the standard cost / perk / unfulfilled and its all working as is intended. However, I would like to iunstead of using "!redeem #" to spend the points, to use "!NameOfReward" for the different perks. So for example the classic "make me do 10 pushups" perk, instead of being "!redeem 1" would be "!pushups"

I am not quite sure how to make this happen though, as my attempts to adjust the codes yielded me nothing.

Thanks in advance


Help/Support / Times messages at different time settings
« on: May 15, 2017, 08:28:21 AM »

Is it possible to have 2-3 different time messages set at different times e.g 5 mins 0 lines require and 10 mins 10 lines required?



Help/Support / Re: Custom commands for trivia / Preset minigames
« on: May 13, 2017, 07:11:44 PM »
Yeah I fixed it, I had the timed message set to the same as the channel commands instead of just "!sgg"

Working as intended now, thanks a lot.


Help/Support / Re: Custom commands for trivia / Preset minigames
« on: May 13, 2017, 07:13:03 AM »
Alright so "!startguessinggame @rand@[1|4]" works just fine for a normal command, I have not tried to chain it yet, but I did look into using timed messages, however I seem unable to make that random, and using the "!startguessinggame @rand@[1|4]" only yields "Preset @rand@[1|4]" not found.

Currently have 4 presets in the guessing game excluding the "default"

Wondering if its possible to make the timed message random.



Help/Support / Re: Custom commands for trivia / Preset minigames
« on: May 13, 2017, 02:51:45 AM »
Alright I'll look into to it. Very exciting stuff indeed.


Help/Support / Custom commands for trivia / Preset minigames
« on: May 13, 2017, 01:03:52 AM »

I recently got DeepBot and I am very pleased with all the features you can use. I do however have a question regarding some sort of Trivia or similar minigame.

I know that DeepBot has a minigame which is "Guess the magic number" which I guess you can set to be sort of a trivia, but I do not know if you can have more than 1 question / magic number saved at a time which would be slightly inconvenient.
Can one perhaps make a folder in the directory which is called "Trivia" which contains somewhere between 1-50 trivia questions (written by hand of course) which would reward points if answered completely and pulled randomly from the folder?

If the question itself is unclear, feel free to ask for more specific details.

Thanks for the help,


Pages: [1]