Help/Support / Is it possible to do? (Custom Commands) Quiz
« on: July 04, 2018, 05:54:33 AM »
i wanna do a "minigame" like this (its kinda quiz game) the "300" is the value of the points, what you can earn while hanging out in the stream
example - of a twitch chat:
Viewer-1: !quiz viewer2 300
BOT: Viewer1 has challenged you. Value: 300. with !accept you accept the challenge.
Viewer-2: !accept
BOT: the quiz question will be asked from the streamer
Streamer: 1+3
Viewer-1: 4
Streamer: !quizwin Viewer-1
is it possible to do it? :/
example - of a twitch chat:
Viewer-1: !quiz viewer2 300
BOT: Viewer1 has challenged you. Value: 300. with !accept you accept the challenge.
Viewer-2: !accept
BOT: the quiz question will be asked from the streamer
Streamer: 1+3
Viewer-1: 4
Streamer: !quizwin Viewer-1
is it possible to do it? :/