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Messages - SillyandStrange

Pages: [1]
Streamer Introductions / Hello everyone! I'm Rob, a Variety Streamer!
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:08:03 AM »
I'd like to introduce myself to all of you.  o/

I'm a variety streamer on Twitch and have been since March 28th, 2013.  I play a lot of different games, including Roleplaying in games such as ArmA 3 and Ark.  Perma-death, indie, and survival games are some of my favorite.

You can find me at:

I stream daily unless otherwise specified, around 8-8:30PM CST.  It's a great outlet and a way where I have met a lot of new friends.

Anyway, a pleasure to meet everyone!

Help/Support / Re: Logs/Download and Installation
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:49:30 AM »
I really appreciate the quick response!

It's no big deal on the logs, I can clean it myself.  Definitely needed that download though.  Thank you again.

Help/Support / Logs/Download and Installation
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:56:07 AM »
So I just realized that Deepbot is installed on my SSD drive and is creating loads of logs.

I realize the highlights are saved in the logs folder, so I have two questions:

1. Where can I retrieve the download file that I used when I first downloaded Deepbot?  This way I can reinstall it on my secondary drive and have it stop rewriting on my SSD.  It's been over a year since I got it, so sorry if this is an easy question to answer.

2. Is there a way to limit the logs?  I don't care for it to save the streamer chat logs in a folder for me.  I never use this function of Deepbot, so it's a bunch of useless files for me.

Thanks for the help everyone!

Streamer Introductions / Greetings everyone!! :D
« on: July 17, 2014, 05:39:56 AM »

I'm Squirrely from my group Silly and Strange!  I stream daily, and am quite the variety streamer!  Games I play range from Project Zomboid to The Witcher Series!  I play just about any game, but the main majority I play are indie based games!

Please check me out, and if you like the content, give a follow!  ^_^

1. Heard about DeepBot from another twitch user that uses it.
2. Stream name is SillyandStrange
3. AcornBot
4. Sunday through Saturday.  Around 6pm CST to 2/3am CST.  (Stream for a regular of 6 hours daily.)
5. No.
6. 15-20.
7. No I do not.

Thank you. :)

Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

Pages: [1]