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Messages - Wickedshrapnel

Pages: [1]
OK thanks guys. Just wanted to make sure there was no other weight to the raffle

When I host a raffle and select a winner more often than not it "randomly" selects the last person who subbed or donated to the stream.  Is this a feature? Can I disable it to make sure that it is random.

Bug Reports / Re: auto update from 4.7.2 hangs on moving files
« on: August 21, 2014, 02:26:44 AM »
after rebooting PC update works.. disregard :)

Bug Reports / auto update from 4.7.2 hangs on moving files
« on: August 21, 2014, 02:24:21 AM »
ran the update inside deep bot and it download and unzips the update then hangs on moving files have to kill the process. Tried running deep bot as admin no change.

Feature Requests / Re: New Donation Notification Functionality
« on: August 06, 2014, 02:32:29 PM »
I'm interested

    • Where did you hear about DeepBot from?
    • Your stream name?
    • Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to)
    • Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time]
    Daily around 8PM CST
    • Is your stream partnered with Twitch?
    • Average number of users on your channel?
    • Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using.

Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

Pages: [1]