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Messages - StressLevelZero

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Re: Commercial Timer does not seem to work for me
« on: September 21, 2014, 05:36:58 AM »
We have not been using this feature while online/Live since we want to personally time the ads while live so our audience doesn't miss anything since we are only doing 2-4 hour streams. However we might use that feature when we are Live when we go to an 8 hour or 24 hour stream cycle. However we want to use this feature while offline while our 400+ dedicated fans stay in the chat 24/7 to grind points. I can manually run ads while offline but the bot does not seem to be able to do the same automatically while offline.

I will try while online next stream.
The streamer account is/was logged in always.

We are trying to hit our audience right after a big stream while they are still in the chat and hit them right before and right after a hosted stream.


And good work so far Experts

Bug Reports / Re: Random Crashes
« on: September 21, 2014, 05:26:06 AM »
The crashes seemed to only be occurring when we had +4,000 people watching our stream. At the time of the crashes we had 7-9K watching and chatting and checking points. I think it might have overloaded the bot with commands checking points and normal activity of the main channel doing followers and subs.

1. Deep bot just open and in the background (1-3K users)
2. Crash after the stream started while using OBS about 15 minutes in. Deep Bot in background. (3-5K Users)
3. crash when changing tabs in deep bot to raffle (4-5 K Users)
4. Crash when switching to deep bot from OBS ( 5k-6K Users)
5. 1 minute into a raffle crash occured (5-8K Users)
6. while window was open doing nothing in deep bot crash (7-9K)
7. Crash after pulling a raffle (7-9K)

There were a few more crashes however I do not remember when it happened. Also this issue has not happened dudring a 3.5K or less sized stream. (good luck doing a repo :P)

Help/Support / Re: Commercial Timer does not seem to work for me
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:01:24 PM »
Haven't head anything back on this. And was hoping to hear something soon since I felt this was one of the main purpose of the program.


Feature Requests / Re: POLL: API Access
« on: September 12, 2014, 10:39:47 AM »
This would be useful for us as well voted up.

Bug Reports / Re: Random Crashes
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:41:34 PM »
Crash when closing Deep Bot

Bug Reports / Random Crashes
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:31:07 AM »
We have had deep bot crash on us quite a few times now. This crash happened twice while not streaming. I will post more are they happen. We also been having crashes while doing raffles and other things in deep bot while streaming.

Feature Requests / POLL: Additional Timed Message Options
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:33:52 AM »
A few advanced options that would be nice:
- Select days (as check boxes) that this message should be said.
- Option to say a message "X" amount of times before auto disabling message
- Set a message to be sent out at a specific time (Ex. setting chat to slow at a specific time and turning it off at a specific time)
- Say message as (main account or bot account) (to be able to do main channel only commands or chat)

I have looked around a bit and have not seen any information about setting timed messages to be sent out as a particular user. There are two announcements I want coming from the main channel user and 8 as the bot account. I know I can chat from either of them in the chat tab but I want a few automated messages to be sent on the main channel.


Feature Requests / POLL: Multi-Channel Network integration
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:17:32 AM »
I understand this is a higher level request for features in Deep Bot however this would be very useful for us and possibly other channels in the future.

On a simple Level:
- Have Deep Bot be able to join more then one channel
- Allowing points to be earned for watching any of our other channels
- Earning extra points for each channel they are on or earning points regardless of channel they are on.

Deep Level:
- Be able to sort users by channels they are following/watching.
- See charts for number of users subbed/following each channel.
- Channel Chat tabs per channel.
- Global and local channel announcements from Deep Bot.

I might add more to this however those are the main ones I can think would be useful for us now.


Help/Support / Disable bot action chat notifications
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:02:31 AM »
We have Subscriber and Follower notifications turned on in the chat.

For a follower the bot says:
Line 1: "Thank you for following %n"
and nothing else which is good.

However for Subscriber the bot says:
Line 1: "Thank you %n for subscribing to the stream!"
Line 2: "Moved %n to VIP Bronze and added 10 points"
We do not want the second line to be shown or at least have the option be able to toggle it on or off.

Its is strange because we have points being given to people who follow but the bot does not say it. However there is with Subs because we move them to a VIP slot I assume.

I looked all through the options and there does not seem to be a option to turn this off/on. has anyone else had this issue or know if there is a hidden option anywhere?


When doing a raffle with 1000+ users Deep Bot temporary freezes up causing users to not enter the raffle and making it difficult to run the raffle.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have 1000+ users in chat on Twtich (could occur with less/more)
2. Goto Deep Bot -> Raffles -> Ticket Raffle
3. Set up the raffle (My settings Ticket Cost:1-2 Max Ticket: 999 Raffle Filter: All Users Timer: 2:00 Action: Close Ticket Raffle)
4. Announce raffle in the Twitch stream
5. Wait 20 seconds and start raffle timer
6. Watch chat get flooded with !Ticket requests and observe Deep Bot on how many it catches
7. Attempt to move the Deep Bot window while this occurs
8. Observe program
9. Wait until the timer finishes
10. Observe Program

Most often more then half the entries are not entered into the raffle. Deep Bot appears to freeze because of all the entries. You are not able to move the window but Deep Bot recovers after the timer ends the raffle.

We normally have 2-4K people in our stream and people have been noticing that they "entered" the raffle but no points were taken away. And despite there being that many people when the raffle ends Deep Bot seems to of only caught 500-700 of the people who tried to enter. Also if I get to the timer too late the program freezes and I can not hit the start button for the timer even if the chat is being flooded with ticket requests.

Dual Xeon 3.1 Ghz
32 GB of Ram
Nvidia GTX 680
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit

Help/Support / Commercial Timer does not seem to work for me
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:00:20 PM »
After starting up the program logging in Go To -> Channel Commands -> Streamer Messages. There is a section called "Commercial Timer" I modified the time to be how long between commercials and hit start. The timer counts down and reaches zero but dose not do anything and does not reset itself. Is this how this is suppose to work? or am I doing something wrong?

Before Playing: Nothing
After Playing: Nothing
Commercial Length 60 Sec
Timer: 15:00

Donation has been sent in. and here is the following information:

1. Where did you hear about DeepBot from?
 - Googleing and swifty's twitch

2. Your stream name?
 - StressLevelZero

3. Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to)
 - StressLevelBot

4. Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time]
 - every other day evenings from 5-12 PM\

5. Is your stream partnered with Twitch?
 - Not yet

6. Average number of users on your channel?
 - 200-600

7. Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using.
 - No current Bot

Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

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