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Messages - Aestheticsquad

Pages: [1]
Hey, i applied and donated and havent received an email or a message for a download. help please?

Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

1. From fellow viewer fourmatixs
2. Aestheticsquad
3. Aestheticbot
4. I stream for 8 hours a day from 8:30PM EST - 3:00AM EST
5. No, but I am going to apply.
6. 30 average up to 50 in peek hours. have hit maxes of 150.
7. Dont need to migrate anything. Hoping this bot will give my loyal viewers a better chance of getting skins and not random people.

Experts Edit : Application unsuccessful. Current phase of Beta is only open to donors. Please see first post for more details.

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