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Messages - JustinCaseDK

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Song Request ON/OFF Hotkey
« on: October 20, 2014, 03:52:55 PM »
I usually spent all my stream-time with song request turned on. I do also however, have a piece of music playing whenever I recieve a donation and sometimes the reguested music via deepbot is too loud.

I request a way to disable the music from deepbot while donation is rolling, like a hotkey to enable/disable music playback from deepbot.

Thanks for the amazing bot and support so far!
Biggest regards

Streamer Introductions / JustinCaseDK - Elite: Dangerous [MAIN] Streamer
« on: August 29, 2014, 08:23:12 AM »
Hello DeepBot community!

I just recently donated and started going serious with my stream. Please don't hessitate to drop by Mon-Fri 10-13 GMT+2 (Copenhagen time)
I can't wait to get this up and running to improve the quality of my stream even more. Newly homemade overlay. Come check it out. Don't have to be a lurker, say something. I'm chattish.

Even a single click on the follow/subscribe buttons will help alot.

Hey Thank you for creating this awesome service.

1) WTFOSaurus stream
2) JustinCaseDK
3) CMDRBot
4) Mon-Fri 10-13(~15) GMT+2 (Copenhagen time) - Random weekend stream will occur. And possibly some night stream.
5) No, but fighting to reach it.
6) 10-25
7) I use CMDRBot atm, script I created myself. I have "my own" point system. Is it possible to simply add the points to viewers, since it's farely new? That way we don't need to migrate.

Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

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