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Messages - infam0usne0

Pages: [1]
Are the twitch emotes supposed to show on the deep bot chat because they aren't on mine, does anyone know how to fix this?

Feature Requests / AutoHosting Priority Switching
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:00:23 AM »
I would like a feature added to the bot that will only switch who your channel is hosting if someone higher on the list comes online.

Say my autohosting list is:


When i go offline Sam is streaming so deep bot starts to auto host Sam. 20 minutes later Bob starts streaming. Deep bot sees that he is higher on the list and starts hosting Bob instead. Charlie then starts streaming and Deep bot does nothing. Dave starts streaming a little later and the Auto hosting switches from Bob to Dave as he is higher on the list.

1.) Cirouss
2.) infam0usne0
3.) ne0bot
4.) Mon-Sun 3pm-7pm
5.) No.
6.) 50-120
7.) I currently don't have a bot.

Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

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