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Messages - MiNiBUNZ

Pages: [1]
Streamer Introductions / Hey Everyone!
« on: September 03, 2014, 07:06:44 AM »
Yo what's gooood!

New to the forums and recently started streaming. I mainly stream CS:GO and have giveaways after my games. And I'm currently trying to get gud at surfing :P

Best of luck to everyone!


Closed Beta Applications / Re: Closed Beta Applications Phase 2 - Now Open
« on: September 03, 2014, 07:02:51 AM »
Hey y'all! Here's my info:

1. The streamer We3_Gaming currently uses this bot and I'd like to give it a try myself
3. Bunz_tv
4. 6 days/week 8pm-2am PST
5. Not partnered.. yet ;)
6. 10-25 average viewers
7. I do not need to migrate any points.


Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

Pages: [1]