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Feature Requests / Mods able to change raffles?
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:48:12 AM »
As a mod I try to help out my streamer as much as possible and stuff so they can focus on streaming.

However when it comes to Raffles, while I can start and stop and draw them, it still requires the streamer to input the titles.

All I'm asking for is the option for mods or Mod Level 2 to be able to set titles and timers on raffles.

Say something like this:
!tnamedraffle open <cost per ticket> <max tickets> <time in minutes> <Text_to_be_displayed_by_bot_as_per_raffle_settings>

!keynamedraffle open keyword time text

!keynamedraffle open !hugme 10 Bonus_Currency_From_Last_Game._3_Winners_Each_Get_A_Prize.

!tnamedraffle open 5 250 30 Precious_Finder


Bug Reports / Not all the !cmds are showing on !cmdlist
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:15:53 AM »

I'm a mod on which uses Deepbot. Over time we have added a few !commands. The last few that we added don't appear on the !cmdlist listing. The current listing is 486 or so characters long. One of the !cmds  (!raffleinfo) spits out about the same number of characters. According to some sources the twitch limit is 540 characters per message.

Is it possible to split the listing between over two messages? Should we reduce the !cmdlist down? The new commands still work... they just don't appear on the listing.

In particular I'm referring to these commands:
!hax name
!donate Receiver Amount
!smite name

Many thanks


Pages: [1]