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Messages - Virlomi

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Feature Requests / Trigger a command anywhere in a sentence.
« on: October 12, 2016, 05:17:33 AM »
At the moment, from what ininetales says, commands can only be executed at the beginning of a sentence when not requiring an exclamation mark. I'm currently wanting to have sound effects that are triggered by some words like tuturu or nyan and them not HAVE to be at the beginning of the sentence. AnkhBot does this inherently without there even being a special option and I don't care if it has it's own WebSocket. This comes down to the programming of the bot not what it's run through. This is currently the only feature in Ankhbot that keeps me using it and I've found how to make a sound play only when the stream is online with DeepBot but in order to actually be able to use deepbot for this I HAVE to be able to trigger a command from anywhere in the sentence. I realize that this increases CPU usage but having it not require the exclamation mark already does that. It would be nice to at least have an option to search the whole sentence for people who have the computer to handle it.

Having this option would allow me to ONLY run DeepBot and that is my ultimate goal. I would really appreciate this option and I'd even pay for it's implementation.

Thank you and hopefully something comes of this.

Feature Requests / Only play sound on command while stream is live
« on: October 11, 2016, 04:35:16 AM »
I'm wanting to have it to where my subscribers can execute a command and it plays a sound on the stream but I don't want them to be able to come into the room and play the sound while I'm not actively streaming. I know there's this where you put !nameofsound and then this if @if@[@uptime@||Offline||Sound won't play.||!streamsound2] !streamsound2 but it would be so much easier for me and everyone if this was just like a check box. I know ankhbot has this and I wouldn't think this would be terribly hard to implement on deepbot. It'd make my life a lot easier. Thanks!

Feature Requests / Add Game to Quotes
« on: March 22, 2016, 04:30:30 AM »
It would be very nice if the game being played at the time of a quote being added was visible. So something like "Life isn't fair, deal with it" - Virlomi (Resident Evil 2). I figured since the bots already hooked up to the twitch api, it'd be really easy to just add that feature.

Feature Requests / Honeyledger integration for popup screen alerts
« on: December 17, 2015, 06:03:34 AM »
Honeyledger is in the process of coming up with their own way to take payments from viewers that doesn't involve PayPal at all. I know I will be using this and it would be really nice if it was able to pop up on the screen like it does with normal donations/tips. I'm including a link to HoneyLedger's API but apparently it's still under active development. Hopefully this becomes a thing because HoneyLedger is supposed to help streamers protect themselves against charge backs.

Honeyledger's API

Feature Requests / Song request take song for own
« on: December 10, 2015, 06:43:11 AM »
i know on Ankhbot and I think Nightbot, when people request songs there's an option to add that song to a custom playlist. I was hoping something like that would become available on Deepbot soon. I'm not sure how hard that would be but it would be very helpful to me.

I'm thinking about not using Deepbot anymore because of this. There's been a lot of people who say they'd donate if it wasn't for paypal and it appears they are completely unwilling to add this feature. It's a shame really.

I realize that but some people have sworn off paypal and refuse to use it. Having Stripe gives them another option

Feature Requests / POLL: OBS Text File for Raffle Winner
« on: February 05, 2015, 08:07:30 AM »
Pretty self explanatory. It'd be nice to have a file so you could display the current raffle winner. I have a friend who uses DeepBot and he takes song requests through a raffle. He'd talked about how it would be nice to have the winner displayed on the stream. ChewieMelodies if you're wondering.

Feature Requests / Additional Payment Services Implementation
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:55:48 AM »
I noticed that with Twitch Alerts they have the option for people to donate with their credit cards and not just through PayPal. This service is provided through Stripe, I was hoping that this would be implemented into DeepBot as well because I feel I may be missing out on potential donations because of how some people view PayPal. I know I could set this up independently of DeepBot but then the notification wouldn't show on the screen and I'm pretty sure people like to see their donation and message up on the screen.

Thank you.

Feature Requests / POLL: Text to Speech For Donations
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:51:28 AM »
With Twitch Alerts it has a text-to-speech option built into it. I'd really like to be able to use that with my donations but still want to use DeepBot's services.

How hard would it be to implement that into the bot or is there something externally I can get to automatically read the donation message without having to manually put it into the text to speech application. Thank you!

Quote from: Dante557
Although I do doubt this feature would be implemented I can see how it could be useful, especially if you are focus in a game and don't have time to turn to your second monitor and even if you only have one monitor in a full screen game. Poll added, topic title changed, poll closes in 7 days

Feature Requests / Minimum Loyalty Points for Subscribers
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:49:03 AM »
It was suggested to me by one of my subscribers that it would be nice if subs always had a certain amount of loyalty points, in my case gil. I thought this was a good idea because sometimes I do giveaways and one of the perks of being a sub is that you'll always have enough tickets to enter the giveaway. This ends up costing me a lot of time to go through and manually add points to each individual subscriber. I have it to where subs automatically become silver VIP's so I'm assuming it'd be linked into that somehow. It'd save me a lot of time and hassle.

I don't know if anyone else does this for their giveaways though.

Quote from: Dante557
This sounds similar to another idea so as such I am merging the topics together. Thanks, Dante557

Feature Requests / Re: Donation Goal
« on: October 26, 2014, 03:45:23 AM »
I know I could totally use something like this!

Feature Requests / OBS CLR Plugin - External Chat
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:14:53 AM »
I was wondering if there's a way to automatically have the external chat checkbox be checked upon restart. There's been several different times where the bots crashed or I've had to restart my computer or to have someone in the chat ask why the chat on my screen wasn't working. Then I'm scurrying around trying to figure out what's wrong only to realize that I didn't go back to the chat tab in deepbot and click the External Chat checkbox again.

If there currently isn't a way to do this. I would LOVE this implementation. That would be just one less thing I have to remember to do when I restart my computer or DeepBot.

I'm loving the bot btw. I can't wait for more in chat games to become available.

Feature Requests / Daily Donation Tracker
« on: October 03, 2014, 05:40:49 AM »
For my stream, I usually only show donations made during that stream. This means I usually have to update a text file manually. It would be nice if there was a way to only show donations made during a certain time frame or at least during a 24 or 48 hour period. I say a specific time frame because my stream usually starts at 11pm EST and goes until at least 5am so going over midnight would make it awkward for the 24 hour period tracker. Unless you were somehow able to set when the 24 hour period would roll over then it'd be fine. It would also be nice if there was a way to show the donations in order from greatest to least.

Feature Requests / Re: POLL: Points Based On Activity
« on: September 26, 2014, 11:36:32 AM »
I just feel there should be some way to detect whether or not they have the video on because right now I could have 67 people in the chat but the viewer count only shows 45. That just means they're there lurking with the video paused which isn't doing anything for me in regards to people searching for a game on twitch. If people have the video paused it doesn't count towards the viewer count.

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