Feature Requests / Bankheist options
« on: October 09, 2014, 05:16:21 AM »
Bankheist works for some currencies but not all. I feel like maybe choosing own command for this and a few variables would be very nice.
[14:06:55] <ecoay> : !@Variable1
[14:06:55] <vulgarise> : ecoay has started planning a @Variable2! Looking for a bigger crew for a bigger score. Join in! Type !@Variable1
<vulgarise> : ecoay executed the @Variable2 flawlessly, sneaking into the Funeral HomeMunicipal Bank through the back entrance and looting 1 Skulls from the @Variable3.
So since my currency is skulls I could have them grave robbing at a cemetary and looting skulls from caskets or lets say Geekdomo stream he uses DKP they could go on a Dungeon Raid and earn DKP.
[14:06:55] <ecoay> : !@Variable1
[14:06:55] <vulgarise> : ecoay has started planning a @Variable2! Looking for a bigger crew for a bigger score. Join in! Type !@Variable1
- to enter.
<vulgarise> : ecoay executed the @Variable2 flawlessly, sneaking into the Funeral Home
So since my currency is skulls I could have them grave robbing at a cemetary and looting skulls from caskets or lets say Geekdomo stream he uses DKP they could go on a Dungeon Raid and earn DKP.