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Messages - DominateGamingTV

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Re: Can't Download
« on: November 15, 2014, 02:20:52 AM »
Alrighty, another change of events. I tried installing it a couple times and finally got it to install all the way. However, now when I open Deep Bot it says it has crashed and only some of the tabs work for me. Here is what the error says.

14 Nov 12:14:22,451 - Crashed The token supplied to the function is invalid
14 Nov 12:14:22,451 - Crashed
14 Nov 12:19:19,704 - Crashed The token supplied to the function is invalid
14 Nov 12:19:19,704 - Crashed
14 Nov 12:21:44,051 - Crashed The token supplied to the function is invalid
14 Nov 12:21:44,051 - Crashed

Bug Reports / Re: Can't Download
« on: November 15, 2014, 01:22:18 AM »
So after trying to open it about 20 times, it finally opened. I got through some of the download process then came across this...

Bug Reports / Can't Download
« on: November 15, 2014, 12:51:30 AM »
Hey there,

I just recently got approved for DeepBot but have run into a problem. I got the download link and downloaded it, but when I try to install it, I get an error that says "The application ran into a problem that it couldnt handle. Sorry for the inconvenience." When I hit details on the error I get this...

"[SEH_AV_WRITE_BADPTR] ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address [0x010f3944]

*** Stack Trace (x86) ***

[0x010f3944]  -----
[0x3801164e]  -----
[0x580347fc]  -----
[0xe0cf366c]  -----
[0x00011e41]  -----
[0xdc000000]  -----
[0x2c0347a4]  -----
[0x7f034789]  -----
[0xff011a38]  -----
[0xe8ffffff]  -----
[0x8c0347a4]  -----
[0x38011abc]  -----
[0xc70347fc]  -----
[0xe0011959]  -----
[0x00011e41]  -----
[0xf8000000]  -----
[0xc8034788]  -----
[0xdc011e41]  -----
[0xe80347a4]  -----
[0x3c0347a4]  -----
[0xfb034789]  -----
[0x80011890]  -----
[0xdc011abc]  -----
[0x030347a4]  -----
[0xb4000001]  -----
[0x63cf366d]  -----
[0xffe06d73]  -----
[0x221fffff]  -----
[0x00199305]  -----
[0x01000000]  -----
[0x0c000000]  -----
[0xcc034789]  -----
[0xb4034782]  -----
[0x70034789]  -----
[0x9001187a]  -----
[0x01cd6c82]  -----
[0x60000000]  -----
[0xdc034789]  -----
[0xdc01189b]  -----
[0xac0347a4]  -----
[0xe003478a]  -----
[0xff011e41]  -----
[0x00ffffff]  -----

Any help is much appreciated.

Closed Beta Applications / Re: Closed Beta Applications Phase 2 - Now Open
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:58:21 AM »
Where did you hear about DeepBot from? - A lot of Clash of Clans streamers use it.

Your stream name? - DominateGamingTV

Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to) - DominateGamingBot

Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time] - Every weekday. I try to do two a day. One in the morning at about 11 AM Central and another one in the after noon at about 4 PM.

Is your stream partnered with Twitch? - Yes, and has a subscribe button.

Average number of users on your channel? - It really varies depending on the game i'm playing. I have hosted over 100 League of Legends tournaments and stream my own League game play, as well of Clash of Clans a lot. I've been featured on Riot's Facebook, Client and Twitter and have had max viewers of 7,000 concurrent before.

Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using. - Nope.

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

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