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Messages - MaskedVillianGaming

Pages: [1]
Name Changes / Stream Name Change
« on: March 20, 2017, 11:40:43 AM »
Old Stream Name: maskedvillianpinball
Old Bot Name: maskedpinbot

New Stream Name: maskedvilliangaming
New Bot Name: MaskedBot1

Thank you! Keep up the amazing work!

Help/Support / Stream/Bot Change
« on: February 13, 2016, 12:49:39 PM »
Current Stream Name: MaskedVillianGaming
Current Bot Name: Maskedbot1

New Stream Name: MaskedVillianPinball
New Bot Name: MaskedPinBot

Thank you folks :-D

Custom Notifications / Re: Custom Notification WorkShop
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:24:09 AM »
Follower Alert

Image Link:
Font Style/Link: Compacta Bold or something like (sorry can not find googlefont link :-( )
Font Color: Black
Any text fill/boarder?: Solid
Where do you want text located? (Follower Name): Under "Thanks for following"
Example (If applicable):
Anything else?: YOU'RE AWESOME REPENT!

Feature Requests / Re: Caster shoutout command/feature
« on: May 29, 2015, 04:15:10 AM »
I have a nightbot command you can use till Deepbot has it.

The command line is: Follow $(touser), last seen playing $(twitch game $(touser)) -$(touser)

Hope this helps people :-D


Feature Requests / Custom Command for VIP's
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:56:33 AM »
I would like to create a command where it shows the VIP's currently in the channel in my chat.

I know that command variables exist but not sure if this is possible yet.

Would love to see it though :-) Loving the bot BTW :-D

Feature Requests / Multistream commands?
« on: November 27, 2014, 06:33:37 AM »
I wouldlove to see a custom command like i had with nightbot where i could put it my !dual command.


Command line:$(1)

If this is possible please let me know.

Thanks and LOVE THE BOT!!!

Closed Beta Applications / Re: Closed Beta Applications Phase 2 - Now Open
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:18:31 AM »
1. Heard about from MissVaultOps
2. MaskedVillianGaming
3. MaskedBot1
4. Daily 10pm-2am EST
5. Not partnered.
6. 15-50
7. No

Thank you and look forward to working with you :-)

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]