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Messages - nielsene90

Pages: [1]
Custom Notifications / Re: Custom Notification WorkShop
« on: December 15, 2015, 01:43:19 PM »
Follower Alert

Image Link:
Font Style/Link: Eras Bold ITC
Font Color: Same as text in image (Darkblue)
Any text fill/boarder?: Instructions via Arctomian: Beveled with a 2pt Black Stroke
Where do you want text located? (Follower Name): In the steel part
Example (If applicable):
Anything else?:

Donation Alert

Image Link:
Font Style/Link: Eras Bold ITC
Font Color: Same as text in image (Dark Blue)
Any text fill/boarder?: Instructions via Arctomian: Beveled with a 2pt Black Stroke
Currency Type: USD
Where do you want text located?(Text Options: Donator Name, Donation Amount, Message) In the Steel section with Donator Name and Donation Amount
Example (If applicable):
Anything else?:

Custom Notifications / Donation and Follower Notifications
« on: January 26, 2015, 09:26:27 AM »
Hello! So I am looking for someone to help with my donation and follower notification.  Any help will be appreciated!

I have the images


Essentially I just want the name of the follower to show up in the box

Font Color: #8e0505


I want it appear like the example below

Name font color: #8e0505
Donation amount font color: black

Donation Example:

Thank you!!

Where did you hear about DeepBot from? Swifty

Your stream name? Nielsene90

Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to) Nielcommanderbot

Your streaming schedule?[Days/Approximate time] Varies, but I try 3-4 hours 3 - 5 days a week

Is your stream partnered with Twitch? No

Average number of users on your channel? Currently its about 3 - 15 users

Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using. No

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]