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Messages - yohero

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Help/Support / Re: Bot crash during startup
« on: June 27, 2015, 02:04:50 PM »
so all my viewers had ranks and point system... any way to get that back?

Help/Support / Bot crash during startup
« on: June 25, 2015, 08:49:29 PM »
So randomly during my stream my bot crashed and for some reason like uninstalled so i redownloaded the bot and had to turn off my firewall because it kept saying it was a threat.
Well now when i go to boot up the bot it says "Oops! I have crashed. Saving crash log to errorlog.txt. Please send this to expertsonline providing any additional information on the crash."
this is the crash log

25 Jun 07:43:07,564 - Crashed Execution of authentication request returned unexpected result: 404
25 Jun 07:43:07,595 - Crashed    at Google.GData.Client.Utilities.getAuthException(TokenCollection tokens, HttpWebResponse response)
   at Google.GData.Client.Utilities.QueryClientLoginToken(GDataCredentials gc, String serviceName, String applicationName, Boolean fUseKeepAlive, IWebProxy proxyServer, Uri clientLoginHandler)
   at Google.GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequest.QueryAuthToken(GDataCredentials gc)
   at Google.GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequest.EnsureCredentials()
   at Google.GData.Client.GDataRequest.EnsureWebRequest()
   at Google.GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequest.EnsureWebRequest()
   at Google.GData.Client.GDataRequest.Execute()
   at Google.GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequest.Execute(Int32 retryCounter)
   at Google.GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequest.Execute()
   at Google.GData.Client.Service.Query(Uri queryUri, DateTime ifModifiedSince, String etag, Int64& contentLength)
   at Google.GData.Client.Service.Query(FeedQuery feedQuery)
   at GDataDB.DatabaseClient.GetDatabase(String name)
   at DeepBot.Main..ctor()
   at DeepBot.Program.Main()

any help?

1. Where did you hear about DeepBot from?
 I heard about deepbot from Pufffinn and wootystyle while watching their streams. saw it long time ago was waiting for my stream to grow.
2. Your stream name?
 Stream name is iTzYoHero
3. Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to)
4. Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time]
 stream everyday sunday-saturday at 12pm-3pm CST and 1:30am-4:30am CST
5. Is your stream partnered with Twitch?
 No i am not
6. Average number of users on your channel?
 Get around 10-15 and channel views for the day is around 60-100
7. Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using.
 No i do not need to migrate anything over

 Please note that i have paid the $10 dollar fee and will be doing the 5 dollar subscription. Do i need to send in the $5 sub right away?

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

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