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Messages - ClownKiller

Pages: [1]
Name Changes / Change my Streamer Name
« on: February 26, 2015, 06:06:59 PM »
Hi guys can i have my Streamer name changed back to ClownKiller79
Stream name :Clown_Killer79 to ClownKiller79
Bot Name : ckbot79 stays the same guys


Help/Support / I requested for a stream change
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:31:37 PM »
I requested for a stream change from ClownKiler79 to Clown_Killer79 my old channle has alot of Trolling in it and want to start fresh.
Stream name- ClownKiller79
Stream Bot - ckbot79
new stream name - Clown_Killer79
New Stream Bot - ckbot79

Thanx ClownKiller79

Feature Requests / Auto update to VIP system
« on: February 22, 2015, 06:04:13 AM »
Hey guys this is something i think new streamers will love if you can add it. when someone one join your stream for XX.Hrs they can get put in to VIP (like a sub system)
this will help with knowing who is following your for you stream and not for your giveaways or to just troll you. So the way you would have it is the owner of the stream sets the Hours needed to go Bronze for VIP the more Hours for Silver and so on. I my self do giveaways and i get what we call a lot of "Giveaways Whores" they just come to Follow get a skins leave and UN-follow.

this is just one of a few ideas i have :)

Streamer Introductions / Aussie Streamer ClownKiller79
« on: February 13, 2015, 07:16:55 PM »
Hey guys im ClownKiller79 ive been streaming now for over a month i have about 1900 Followers
Please come in and see what we are all about i Play Counter-Strike Global Offensive
And i do Giveaways as well. The best giveaway so far was a "Gut Knife Blue Steal"

Please come and Follow me :)

1. I was looking on Google for Twitch Bots - ALso Ezyteevee told me about it.
2. ClownKiller79
3. CKBot79
4. Monday - Wensday a week from 8pm till late
5. from 25
6. No

Thank you i cant want to use it. :)

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

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