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Messages - Surrenderat20PLZ

Pages: [1]
Custom Notifications / Re: Custom Notification WorkShop
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:54:26 PM »

I can't do scroll effects in a certain box, it would go across the screen. :o

Hm. What if it isn't scrolling? Could you get it to just fit into the box and if the message is too long it will simply be cut off or the message font size will get smaller? If not can I just get the notifications for the follower/subscriber? Thanks

Ya, I was trying, but couldn't get it to stay in the box, it just keeps scrolling thru it. :/

I meant without the scroll but thats ok thanks for trying. But you can do the notification/subscriber notifications still right?

Custom Notifications / Re: Custom Notification WorkShop
« on: March 15, 2015, 11:08:35 AM »

I can't do scroll effects in a certain box, it would go across the screen. :o

Hm. What if it isn't scrolling? Could you get it to just fit into the box and if the message is too long it will simply be cut off or the message font size will get smaller? If not can I just get the notifications for the follower/subscriber? Thanks

Custom Notifications / Re: Custom Notification WorkShop
« on: March 10, 2015, 09:38:04 PM »
Follower Alert

Code: [Select]
Image Link:
Font Style/Link: Arial Bold
Font Color: White
Any text fill/boarder?: White Text fill
Marquee/Scroll Effect?: No
Where do you want text located? (Follower Name): In the box

Donation Alert

Code: [Select]
Image Link:
Font Style/Link: Arial Bold
Font Color: White
Any text fill/boarder?: White
Marquee/Scroll Effect?: Yes, for donation message
Currency Type: $
Where do you want text located?(Donator Name, Donation Amount, Message): Donator name in top box with donation amount and scrolling donation message in bottom box

Subscriber Alert

Code: [Select]
Image Link:
Font Style/Link: Arial bold
Font Color: White
Any text fill/boarder?: White
Marquee/Scroll Effect?: No
Where do you want text located? (Subscriber Name) In the box

1. Google search for "twitch chat mod bot"

2. Surrenderat20PLZ

3. ff20Bot

4. Monday/Wednesday 2-5/7
    Tuesday/Thursday - 3/5-6/8
    Friday - Dependent on day schedule (4-6 hr stream)
    Saturday/Sunday - No schedule may or may not stream depending on schedule

5. No but soon

6. low 100s to 1k if hosted

7. No

Took hiatus from streaming after a fire at my apartment complex but have returned and saw your bot looked extraordinarily promising. Would love to test it out and will certainly subscribe if it is as good as it appears (not judging bugs)

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]