« on: February 22, 2014, 10:14:28 PM »
I had my other stream name active, I disconnected and then proceeded to connect with the new stream name. When I was under the chat tab, I noticed that I had 3 users in chat. The 3 users were my bot and 2 stream accounts. So to do a quick test, I typed !bankheist 1 in my twitch chat from browser using my new stream login and proceeded to do the same in the application. The application posted under my other streamer name, even though I had logged out of it completely and logged into the new one. I thought this was a one off incident so I closed the application. It happened once more when I opened it again, so I connected then disconnected, closed the application again. This time when I loaded it, it was working fine, only 2 users in chat.
The first !bankheist 1 from the image and test from iAmArucarD are posted directly from the applications chat. The first !bankheist 1 and second !bankheist 1 from ArucarDtv are posted from the twitch chat in browser. The third !bankheist 1 was posted from the chat tab in the application after I disconnected again and restarted.
Just thought I would report this weird little issue. I looked through the other reports and do not believe I saw this one on there, I apologize if it is.