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Messages - BioGenx2b

Pages: [1]
I'd like to set up custom commands that react differently based on user levels and ranks. My !jettison command for example:

Code: [Select]
@user@ tried to open the cargo hatch...but nothing happened. PJSalt
@user@ tried to open the cargo hatch...but nothing happened. PJSalt
@user@ tried to open the cargo hatch...but nothing happened. PJSalt
@user@ tried to open the cargo hatch...@user@ got snagged by a loose cable and sucked out through the hatch! HeyGuys
@user@ tried to open the cargo hatch...@user@ got snagged by a loose cable and sucked out through the hatch! HeyGuys
@user@ tried to open the cargo hatch...@target@ was jettisoned into the vacuum of space! badRekt
@user@ tried to open the cargo hatch...@target@ was jettisoned into the vacuum of space! badRekt

I'd like to be able to give a better chance of avoiding a jettison based on VIP Rank and prevent it altogether for defined users, so my viewers can no longer jettison me into space while I'm streaming! D:

Also, If/Then statements would be cool too, like better chances for users based on their alloted @hours@ or @points@ values, or whatever.

I used Moobot for months and now I'm too used to its song request feature. Some features that would be awesome for DeepBot:

1. Request songs using just Search Terms.
Code: [Select]
<BioGenx2b> !requestsong Katachi
<DeepBot> The song Shugo Tokumaru - "Katachi" (Official Music Video) requested by BioGenx2b has been added to the queue.

2. Allow !songrequest command to mirror !requestsong, to help users (like my viewers) migrating from Moobot. Allow use of either command interchangeably.

3. Add option under Music to allow a user to queue music while their song is playing. I prefer using 1 song per user, but then they have to wait until their track finishes to queue another. I'd like to be able to give them that leeway.

4. Let Moderators add songs to an offline playlist. I could do this with Moobot and my mods helped favorite good songs for me while I was sucked into a game. Something like this would be fantastic.

Feature Requests / More options for Timed Commands
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:19:30 AM »
I've been using Moobot for months and now I'm addicted to their method of timed commands.

Here's what DeepBot does:
Code: [Select]
IF chat.lines< THEN WAIT ELSE,
IF chat.lines> AND chat.timer>0 THEN WAIT ELSE,
IF chat.lines> AND chat.timer=0 THEN RunCommand() AND ResetCounter(chat.lines,chat.timer)

Here's what I want it to do optionally (like MooBot):

Code: [Select]
IF chat.lines< OR chat.timer>0 THEN WAIT ELSE,
IF chat.lines> OR chat.timer=0 THEN RunCommand() and ResetCounter(chat.lines,chat.timer)

Basically let the command activate the timed command if EITHER the timer or the chat lines goal is reached, then reset counter for both.

Also, being able to activate Timed Commands using their actual command would be awesome. Currently, you have to copy the timed command to Channel Commands for users to manually invoke the response. Whether or not a manual invoke resets the counters could also be another option.

Feature Requests / !points Customization
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:04:35 AM »
I'd like to be able to customize the !points output. I prefer a different format altogether, but I can't add a variable to a custom command that shows spent points in an ongoing raffle or bankheist, just their current value.

So, for instance:

Code: [Select]
Credit Balance -> @user@: @points@ CR [@hours@hrs]Credit Balance -> BioGenx2b: 550 CR [200hrs]

The issue above is that this example would have another 50 CR in a raffle. Rather than having to make and enhance custom commands, it would be preferable to customize the command for the default one itself, just the way the text is output.

    • Where did you hear about DeepBot from?
      I've seen the bot used extensively in Limpy's channel.
    • Your stream name?
    • Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to)
    • Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time]
      Mon-Thu, 7PM-11PM EST (start and end vary based on availability)
      Fri-Sun based on availability
    • Is your stream partnered with Twitch?
      Not yet.
    • Average number of users on your channel?
      Average about 15 users, fluctuating.
    • Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using.
      Yes, from AnkhBot. I can do this by hand easily enough, if necessary.

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

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