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Messages - WasabiIceCream

Pages: [1] 2
Help/Support / Re: Bot Frequently Hours Delayed
« on: September 08, 2017, 08:12:29 AM »
Yeah, still happening after another fresh install.
Tried 3 PCs now, including our Atlantic Windows Server.
DeepBot works perfectly, in my last test for 3 hours, then stopped responding for about another 3 hours, then woke up and responded to all the commands it missed the previous 3 hours.
Anything I can send you guys to take a look at this?

EDIT: Also, it's not only Twitch chat and commands, it's follower/subscriber notifications, point accumulation, streamer chat, even Discord notifications and interaction.
Seems like the whole bot just takes a nap, wakes up, and instantly spams all the things it should have been doing.
I can watch the Twitch chat from the Bot window, see users commands going off, and the bot just doesn't respond.

Thanks in advance.

Help/Support / Re: Bot Frequently Hours Delayed
« on: July 09, 2017, 05:35:44 AM »
Still having issues.
Again, this is across multiple installs, across multiple PCs.

Help/Support / Bot Frequently Hours Delayed
« on: June 19, 2017, 01:05:41 AM »
So, this has been happening for a while now, and it's very strange.
While running DeepBot fresh, it works totally fine.
But after a while, at some point, it becomes totally unresponsive.
It'll show all status Green and Connected, and it's still in the Twitch chat,
but it just won't respond to anything, and becomes seemingly completely unresponsive.
Then, hours later, it will respond to a random command that was posted hours ago.
Or, it'll send out Stream and Follower notifications several hours late. Also, chat messages posted through DeepBot are several hours behind.
Not sure what's up. I'm running the latest versions, and have tried re-installing fresh, and running on several different machines, it's always the same.
Thanks in advance.

Feature Requests / Generate Points While in Discord
« on: December 25, 2016, 01:15:50 AM »
Just a simple request.
Sometimes, I encourage our viewers to hang out in the Twitch chat while it's offline, so they'll still get some points.
But, this would make a lot more sense if Discord users who have a linked Twitch account could also generate points that way.
Thanks in advance!

Help/Support / Re: Developing RPG Mini Game
« on: May 19, 2016, 06:44:14 PM »
I am trying to understand what is wrong exactly. Trying to reproduce what KennyGString is getting, but I don't know what @readfile@[RPG\Classes\.txt] would be and what it contains.

The .txt files there just contain the names of the 5 different character classes, unless he's changed it.
So, in his example, his "RPG\Users\@user@Class.txt" would contain a "2", and the file "RPG\Classes\2.txt" would contain the string "Barbarian".
I've documented all the code on the first page. Ours differ a bit in a few places, but crash just the same.

Help/Support / Re: Bot Errors/Crashing? Please read this first
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:32:02 AM »
The latest update seems to have broken a few of the commands we've developed here:

Our !fight command is now crashing the bot with error log:
Code: [Select]
19 May 01:22:09,364 - Crashed Illegal characters in path.
19 May 01:22:09,364 - Crashed    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncServices.<ThrowAsync>b__0(Object state)

Help/Support / Re: Developing RPG Mini Game
« on: May 16, 2016, 02:03:27 PM »
The latest update is causing the !fight command to crash now.
Can anyone else confirm?

Help/Support / Re: Developing RPG Mini Game
« on: April 19, 2016, 02:40:41 PM »
Good stuff. That update should solve the last of the issues.
Would just be adding/tweaking/updating from there.

I'm Wasabi Ice Cream on Steam, or
you can jump in our Discord server:

Help/Support / Re: Developing RPG Mini Game
« on: April 18, 2016, 06:45:18 PM »
I noticed whenever you lost a fight, you would lose GP. I also noticed its not keeping track of GP (at least I can't find where it's doing it), so I found this to be useless. I changed it to take away exp. It will go past 0 into the negatives, which I couldn't figure out how to stop. It doesn't seem to like adding positive numbers to negative numbers very well, but its a start, and not useless like taking GP was. Here's how I did it...

My bad, I meant to change that to @pointsname@, but I can't edit the post here after a certain amount of time.
Our points were called GP, so they would just lose a bit of those points.
At the low levels, the point gains/losses are pretty insignificant, but the pot is generated based on their level, so as a user levels up, they gain/lose more points.

A cooldown is a great idea. I can't edit the old posts, like I said, so this thread may get a bit messy as we continue to add/edit things.

Help/Support / Re: Developing RPG Mini Game
« on: April 05, 2016, 06:42:16 AM »
Thinking of adding 1 or 2 unique skills for each class.
Like, Assassins can steal points from other players.
Or, Clerics can heal and buff themselves or other players.
If anyone else has any ideas for this, let me know.

Help/Support / Re: Developing RPG Mini Game
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:04:47 PM »
Problem seems to lie in the !fightdealtdamage and !fighttookdamage commands.
The commands are executed, but never deduct health from the monster, or player.
This causes the health checks in the following commands to always fail, causing an endless loop back into !fight2.

Looking into a fix.

EDIT: Okay, so here's the fix.
I'm an idiot, and forgot to add in the damage calculations, so here they are.

First, edit !fight3 with this:
Code: [Select]
And add, !playerturn
Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@DamageDealt.txt,@rand@[0|@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Str.txt]|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Int.txt]]]]The player deals a random amount of damage, between 0 (a miss), and their Strength (Physical Damage) plus their Intelligence (Magical Damage).
Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !fightdealtdamage

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@DamageTaken.txt,@rand@[0|@calc@[*|@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonsterLevel.txt]|5]]]The monster deals a random amount of damage, between 0 (a miss), and five times their level.
Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !fighttookdamage

The damage calculation could probably (definitely) be done better, but this gets the job done.
This gives a small bias to the monster for damage power, but the player has a slight bias when it comes to getting the attack.

The only thing that needs tweaking are the stat increases when leveling up.
Everything else from this point, will just be tweaking and adding onto what's here.

Help/Support / Bot Not Whispering Anymore
« on: April 02, 2016, 02:16:09 PM »
Not sure if it's just me.
I made a simple command just to test:
Code: [Select]
/w @user@ Just testing...
The counter increases, so it's being executed, but no whisper is sent.
Can anyone else confirm?

Help/Support / Developing RPG Mini Game
« on: March 26, 2016, 05:27:42 AM »

So, I've been working on this thing for a bit, and it's just not working the way it needs to be.
Honestly, I'm not a great programmer, and my code solutions are totally unoptimized, but works, however unstable in its current form.
I'll post everything I've got so far, and explain it all, and hopefully we can make this a community effort, or something.
What I've got is pretty messy, but I can explain it all. Here's a .zip of the folder and file structure:
And, here's a .zip all the individual command code in .txt, for ease of use:
Also, if you just want to see this in action, I've got it running on my Twitch channel.

This all starts by creating the folders in the Custom Logs:

 - Adjectives (These are used to randomly generate a unique monster name, by combining an adjective in front of the normal monster name.)
 - Classes (Users can choose 1 of 5 classes. Only difference is starting stats right now.)
 - Enemies (Enemy names are stored in here. I just took most of them from the MMORPG Ragnarok Online.)
 - - log (User combat logs are stored here, with the current enemy name, enemy stats, and rewards for killing the enemy.)
 - Levels (Does nothing. Not required. Not sure what I was planning with this. Maybe like, Town or Quest locations, or something.)
 - Users (User logs are stored here. Tracks whether they've initiated an RPG character, and tracks all their stats.)
 - Weapons (Does nothing. Not required. I was planning a whole equipment thing, but I couldn't figure out a good way to do it.)

Then, comes the actual code, and this'll get a bit thick and heavy.

Every user will initialize an RPG character by using the !rpg command:
Code: [Select]
@if@[@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@.txt]||1||!rpg2||@if@[@target@||Assassin||!rpginitass||@if@[@target@||Barbarian||!rpginitbar||@if@[@target@||Cleric||!rpginitcle||@if@[@target@||Templar||!rpginittem||@if@[@target@||Wizard||!rpginitwiz||@user@, you must choose a class. (Assassin, Barbarian, Cleric, Templar, or Wizard)]]]]]]
The code will check if the user already has an RPG character, (if "RPG\Users\@user@.txt" exists, and contains a "1"), and if so, will run !rpg2, which will show basic stats.
If the user does not have a character, one will be created based on the class provided with @target@. The classes are all Case-Sensitive. Users will be told to choose a class if they screw it up.
It's at this point where all of the .txt files are created for the user, as well. Their stats will be tracked in the "Users" folder, with their Username prefixing each stat.
Concerning stats, most of them are not taken into account yet, but were planned to be used later. I'll explain more in the Combat section.

Code: [Select]
@user@, you are a Level @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt] @readfile@[RPG\Classes\@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Class.txt].txt]. Use !stats to check your Stats.Settings: Hide From Command List

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Class.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Vit.txt,10]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@End.txt,12]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Str.txt,10]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Dex.txt,18]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Int.txt,10]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Wis.txt,15]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Luc.txt,16]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@MaxHealth.txt,250]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@CurrentHealth.txt,250]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Exp.txt,0]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@ExpToLevel.txt,25]Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !rpginit3

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Class.txt,2]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Vit.txt,18]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@End.txt,16]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Str.txt,18]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Dex.txt,10]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Int.txt,10]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Wis.txt,11]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Luc.txt,11]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@MaxHealth.txt,450]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@CurrentHealth.txt,450]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Exp.txt,0]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@ExpToLevel.txt,25]Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !rpginit3

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Class.txt,3]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Vit.txt,12]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@End.txt,16]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Str.txt,16]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Dex.txt,10]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Int.txt,10]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Wis.txt,18]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Luc.txt,12]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@MaxHealth.txt,300]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@CurrentHealth.txt,300]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Exp.txt,0]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@ExpToLevel.txt,25]Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !rpginit3

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Class.txt,4]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Vit.txt,20]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@End.txt,16]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Str.txt,15]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Dex.txt,10]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Int.txt,10]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Wis.txt,11]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Luc.txt,8]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@MaxHealth.txt,500]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@CurrentHealth.txt,500]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Exp.txt,0]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@ExpToLevel.txt,25]Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !rpginit3

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt,1]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Class.txt,5]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Vit.txt,8]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@End.txt,10]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Str.txt,7]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Dex.txt,13]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Int.txt,20]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Wis.txt,15]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Luc.txt,12]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@MaxHealth.txt,200]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@CurrentHealth.txt,200]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Exp.txt,0]@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@ExpToLevel.txt,25]Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !rpginit3

Code: [Select]
@user@ is now a Level @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt] @readfile@[RPG\Classes\@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Class.txt].txt]!This just announces in chat that someone has created a new character.
Settings: Hide From Command List

Code: [Select]
@if@[@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@.txt]||1||@user@, Level @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt] @readfile@[RPG\Classes\@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Class.txt].txt], Vitality: @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Vit.txt], Endurance: @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@End.txt], Strength: @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Str.txt], Dexterity: @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Dex.txt], Intelligence: @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Int.txt], Wisdom: @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Wis.txt], Luck: @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Luc.txt], Experience: @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Exp.txt]/@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@ExpToLevel.txt], Health: @readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@CurrentHealth.txt]/@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@MaxHealth.txt]||@user@, you must create a character first. Use the !rpg command.]Note: This command, as well as any other main commands, will (should) always check if the user has created an RPG character first. Bad things happen otherwise.

Now, this is where things either start falling apart, or flaws in the previous code are broken even further.
In my testing, I found it's not a good idea to use @savefile@ and @readfile@ to manipulate and display the same value in the same command.
So, for 1 fight to happen, I had to split the code across several commands. Usually one that manipulates the value, and another that either displays it, or manipulates it further.
However, this still isn't very clean, and I'll explain what's broken as we go. There is a fatal flaw that I will also point out where I think this may be occurring.

Code: [Select]
@if@[@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@.txt]||1||!fightencounter||@user@, you must create a character first. Use the !rpg command.]There's the user character check.

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonster.txt,@readfile@[RPG\Adjectives\@rand@[1|70].txt] @readfile@[RPG\Enemies\@rand@[1|50].txt]] @savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonsterLevel.txt,@calc@[+|@rand@[0|5]|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt]]] @savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonsterHP.txt,@calc@[-|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@MaxHealth.txt]|@rand@[0|50]]] @savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@PointPot.txt,@calc@[+|@rand@[0|@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonsterLevel.txt]]|@rand@[0|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt]]]] @savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@ExpPot.txt,@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonsterLevel.txt]|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt]]]This will create an enemy for the user to fight, with a funny name that is randomly generated. Each user has their own enemy, with their username prefixed to the monster logs.
User stats are taken into account here. Enemy level, Point reward, and EXP reward are based on User's level. Enemy health is based on User's max health.
Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !fightencounter2

Code: [Select]
@user@ encounters a Level @readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonsterLevel.txt] @readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonster.txt], with @readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonsterHP.txt]HP.This just announces in chat that a fight has began.
Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !fight2

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@Roll.txt,@rand@[0|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Dex.txt]]] @if@[>=||@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@Roll.txt]||@calc@[/|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Dex.txt]|2]||@savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@Turn.txt,1]||@savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@Turn.txt,2]]Note: This command may contain an endless loop, forcing DeepBot (And possibly, your entire system) into extreme lag. Force-close the application if this happens.
User stats are taken into account here. A roll takes place, based on User Dexterity. User must roll equal or greater than half of their Dexterity to attack, else the monster gets the attack.
Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !fight3

Code: [Select]
@if@[@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@Turn.txt]||1||!fightdealtdamage||!fighttookdamage]A value of "1" in the file "RPG\Enemies\log\@user@Turn.txt" indicates Player's attack. Else, a value of "2" indicates monster's attack
Settings: Hide From Command List

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonsterHP.txt,@calc@[-|@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonsterHP.txt]|@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@DamageDealt.txt]]]The player deals damage to the monster.
Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !checkmonsterhealth

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@CurrentHealth.txt,@calc@[-|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@CurrentHealth.txt]|@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@DamageTaken.txt]]]The monster deals damage to the player.
Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !checkplayerhealth

Code: [Select]
@if@[<=||@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonsterHP.txt]||0||!monsterdied||!fight2]Checks if the monster is dead. (If they have equal or less than 0 HP)
If the monster is still alive, we loop back into !fight2, where we roll again to see who gets the next attack.
Settings: Hide From Command List

Code: [Select]
@if@[<=||@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@CurrentHealth.txt]||0||!playerdied||!fight2]Checks if the player is dead. (If they have equal or less than 0 HP)
If the player is still alive, we loop back into !fight2, where we roll again to see who gets the next attack.
Settings: Hide From Command List

Code: [Select]
@user@ has slain the @readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonster.txt], and gained @readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@PointPot.txt]GP and @readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@ExpPot.txt]Exp! @editpoints@[@user@|@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@PointPot.txt]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Exp.txt,@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Exp.txt]|@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@ExpPot.txt]]]If the monster dies, then the player is awarded the Point pot, and the EXP pot. They don't get any health back. That's intentional.
The !fight2 loop ends here.
Settings: Hide From Command List and Command Chain !checklevel

Code: [Select]
@user@ has been slain by @readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@CurrentMonster.txt], and lost @readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@PointPot.txt]GP... @editpoints@[@user@|-@readfile@[RPG\Enemies\log\@user@PointPot.txt]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@CurrentHealth.txt,@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@MaxHealth.txt]]If the player dies, they lose some Points, and get their health back.
Settings: Hide From Command List

Code: [Select]
@if@[>=||@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Exp.txt]||@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@ExpToLevel.txt]||!levelup||]When the player wins an encounter, they gain EXP. This is ran after a win to check whether they've gained enough EXP to level up.
Settings: Hide From Command List

Code: [Select]
@savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt,@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Level.txt]|1]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Vit.txt,@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Vit.txt]|@rand@[0|3]]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@End.txt,@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@End.txt]|@rand@[0|3]]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Str.txt,@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Str.txt]|@rand@[0|3]]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Dex.txt,@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Dex.txt]|@rand@[0|3]]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Int.txt,@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Int.txt]|@rand@[0|3]]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Wis.txt,@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Wis.txt]|@rand@[0|3]]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Luc.txt,@calc@[+|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@Luc.txt]|@rand@[0|3]]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@ExpToLevel.txt,@calc@[*|@readfile@[RPG\Users\@user@ExpToLevel.txt]|1.5]] @savefile@[RPG\Users\@user@Exp.txt,0]Note: This command works, but not as completely intended.
Is the player has enough EXP to level up, this command will do that. It should be noted that this command does not work as intended.
What's supposed to happen is, each stat is set to increase a random amount between 0 and 3.
What really happens is, the random calculation is performed only once, and each stat is increased the same amount, between 0 and 3.
Settings: Hide From Command List

So, as of right now, that's all I've got.
The main issue revolves around the !fight2 loop, and I've banged my head on several walls trying to figure what's exactly causing issue there.
I'm sharing this because I think it's really cool, even though it's slightly broken. I'm hoping the community here can expand on this, and help make it much better.

Help/Support / High CPU Usage?
« on: March 22, 2016, 03:35:38 PM »
I've noticed that the Deepbot application has relatively high CPU usage on my system.
It's consistently idle at around 20% on my system, an i7 4770K.
I'm wondering if this is normal activity?

Feature Requests / Comparing Multiple Values with IF Variable
« on: February 10, 2016, 12:24:00 AM »
I would love an option to ignore case when comparing String values when using the @if@ function.
As of right now, redundancy is required to differentiate a "Yes" from a "yes", when it'd be much faster and easier to ignore the case.

Even better, would be the ability to compare multiple values.
Something like "@if@[@target@||1,Yes,yes||@user@ voted yes.||@user@ voted no.]"

Unless this is already possible. I haven't seen anything in the Wiki about it.
Thanks in advance!

Thanks in advance!

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