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Messages - EvilSqueegee

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You are correct, I did have some of the commands to run as bot. I have set these commands to run as User, however, and this did not alter the @user@ propogation behavior I am experiencing.

I know why you and I are getting different results. It's because I'm using the randomized line output for commands.

!command1 has the following lines:


That way it randomly selects the !command and executes it. Previous to patch, @user@ propogated like this. THAT may have been the bug, all I know is that it's not functioning now the way it was before this update.

Screenshots: //

Bug: Before this recent patch which fixed up bot/admin permissions in command chains, the @user@ variable from latter commands in a command chain was passed to them by the former commands in that command chain.

If a user triggered !command1, and command1 triggered command2 either through the text output field or through the command-chain box, then the bot would set off !command2 with the initial user as the @user@ variable.

Since this most recent patch, however, all 2ndary commands in the command chain are treating the bot as if it was the @user@.

I noticed this because I have several minigames I run in my channel, where !commands trigger random lists fo other !commands which then alter currencies and/or timeout users:

!dungeon triggers !dunwin1, !dunlose1. Dunwin1 outputs a random flavor text and then chains to a command which gives the user bonus currency. Dunlose1 posts a message, then chains to a command which posts a death message and costs them currency.

However, these chat games now always treat the bot as the player: When someone !dungeons, the !dunwin1 or !dunlose1 (which have always used @user@) now target the bot.

I asked in Streamer Chat and was told that this is actually a bug and not the intended functionality. Therefore I am posting here!


The above command results in the following output from the widget:

I haven' tested the other @variables@ yet, but where @target@ works, @counter@ doesn't.

Feature Requests / Custom Text File Output
« on: April 14, 2015, 04:34:22 AM »
I think having more text files than just the donations and followers and such would be awesome. Having the ability to add text file outputs much like we do commands would greatly increase the versatility of the bot's OBS overlay integration -- particularly if text file output was added to the list of functions available with commands.

I'd love to have something like "Pay 100 points to change the text beneath the webcam" or "Most Recent VIP Gold" or something.

Where did you hear about DeepBot from?
Initially, I saw DeepBot in Pythagotron's channel. Rahhzay and RinTheYordle also used it, and I was trying to contact them to inquire about the application process when my frequent costreamer & old friend Pookajutsu took the plunge. With his feedback on the application process, I decided to go in for it myself. A viewer overheard the conversation and donated the money for it. \o/

Your stream name?

Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to)

Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time]
I stream daily for at least an hour a day, regardless of when during that day I am streaming. Tomorrow will be the 30-day anniversary of a flawless daily streaming streak. Usually, I stream from 8 AM to noon, sometimes longer. I also stream every Saturday at 3PM EST for roughly two to four hours. On occasion these streams last for a long while (6 to 8 hours) or I will spontaneously go live during the evening if I have the energy.

Is your stream partnered with Twitch?
Not yet.

Average number of users on your channel?
I run an average of 20 concurrent viewers currently during the daily stream. The lowest I've seen in days has been 10, the highest has been 76. Viewership and followship have been on a massive increase for about a week now.

Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using.
Yes. I am using ModBot.

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!
For point migrations, please email your modbot.sqlite file to for conversion.

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