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Messages - Gwahir

Pages: [1]
1. Heard from: Captain_Richard
2. Stream name: Gwahir
3. Bot account: Gwabot
4. Hours: none
5. Partnered: no
6. Hours: 0
7. Migration services needed: no

This is primarily to help with assisting another streamer.

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Bug Reports / Re: [Bug] Donation html cannot reconnect
« on: April 28, 2015, 07:19:44 AM »
I should have been more specific.  It can reconnect if you refresh the source but it will not automatically reconnect after an interval following a disconnection since the reConnectWebSocket function does not exist.  Note line 212 in notification2 and line 59 in notification.  Watching the javascript console when it tries to call that function shows an undefined method error.

Bug Reports / [Bug] Donation html cannot reconnect
« on: April 24, 2015, 11:44:29 AM »
I've come across a bug with where it cannot reconnect to deep bot if the websocket connection is lost.  This is because the javascript is missing the reconnect function.

Adding this code fixes it:

function reConnectWebSocket() {

Pages: [1]