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Messages - cyoung_mi

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Execute ! Commands in Event Messages
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:46:45 AM »
It doesnt execute the command, only types "!hello" into chat, but the command attached to that doesnt fire.

Is this feature already built in?  am I doing something wrong?
If not, please add the ability to execute commands from the Event Messages area.

Feature Requests / Execute ! Commands in Event Messages
« on: January 22, 2016, 07:38:33 PM »
I'd like to be able to execute channel commands ( ie.  !hello ) from within the Event Messages ( ie First Time Viewer and Welcome Back )
Seems like this should be a pretty easy thing to add.
and it would be nice to fire off channel commands when a user enters the channel..   ie sent a hello message or play an audio file.

Help/Support / Re: TTS custom command?
« on: November 22, 2015, 10:50:11 AM »
Could you please add @tts@ command for Event messages?
I'd like Deepbot to "say" Welcome @user@ when someone enters chat.

Help/Support / Text To Speech Event Messages
« on: November 03, 2015, 04:14:37 PM »
I'd like to be able to use the TTS option as a notification system when users enter / leave chat.
I've tried putting the @tts@[Welcome @user@] in the Event Message area, but it only types that into chat, and doesnt do the TTS.
so I tried chaining commands..  putting !welcome @user@ in the Event Message then used a Channel command of !welcome   that was @tts@[Welcome @target@] but that didnt work either.. it was close!  when a user entered chat, the bot would type !welcome [username] into chat, but there was not text to speech.
If I typed into chat !welcome user as the bot, then I would get the TTS.

Is there a way to do this and I'm just not thinking of??   If not, could we please expand the TTS function to the Event messages, or allow the bots to use them on their own.

Help/Support / Application Screen Position upon launch
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:05:51 PM »
Is there a way to have Deepbot open in the same screen location as it was closed?
I have multiple monitors, and I like having Deepbot in a certain spot on one monitor.
For most windows apps, you can hold Control while choosing Quit from the File menu.
But since there is no "File" menu ( that I know of ) on Deepbot I'm sure sure how to do this.


Where did you hear about DeepBot from?

Your stream name?

Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to)

Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time]
M-F 11pm - 5am

Is your stream partnered with Twitch?

Average number of users on your channel?

Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using.

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]