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Messages - sgtjockitch1

Pages: [1]
first i made an account on this website with the name sgtjockitch and it didnt send me an email verification no matter how many times i clicked the resend email verification link . I made the $10 payment with that account . the email is right in that account and couldnt find the email even in the spam folder .

1. i herd about deepbot while trying to install modbot without success from youtube video.
2. My stream name is sgtjockitch.
3.Twitch bot is name jockbot .
4. streaming schedule is everyday from 5Pm to 8 pm weekends may be longer stream .
5.i am not partnered with twitch .
6.avg number of viewers is about 10 .
7. i do not need to migrate any points .

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]