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Messages - DreadfullyDespized

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: User Database Tweak
« on: June 08, 2015, 05:44:44 AM »
I find this annoying in all menus.. channel commands or anything like that.  Would also be nice if you could resize the deepbot window.

Feature Requests / Re: !points Customization
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:49:39 AM »
I would agree with this one.  VIP or not would be a great addition.

To work around this system I did the following.
  • Changed the points name to something simple !p or !points or something that wouldn't be used.
  • Created a custom channel command called !rockets for instance.
  • Used the following  @name@ : You are a @userrank@ with @points@ points.  You are only @pointstolevelup@ away from your next level!

Though it would be nice to also have a @nextrank@.  If you are rank 3 then it would show the name for rank 4.  Gives the viewer a Goal feeling.  Something more tangible to work towards.

I hope this helps for a current time fix until/if this get implemented.

Feature Requests / Point Rank based commands
« on: June 04, 2015, 07:59:13 AM »
I searched and I didn't see anything like this so far.  This will be a copy of a current IRC script that I use for my stream.  It gives users command access based on the user level control built into irc.

Lets say your first rank in deepbot is 1,Peon  in your ranks.txt or through the master settings menu.  Once the user reasons Peon status.  Then they are able to use the command !chicken.  For instance.  When the user uses !chicken.  IRC will do a check to see if the user level is 10.  Deepbot could check to see if the user rank is "Peon".  Similary to the existing permissions system based on VIP, MOD, and so on.

Here is the mIRC script example that I am talking about.

Code: [Select]
on 10:TEXT:!chicken:#dreadfullydespized: {
  if ((%floodfunny) || ($($+(%,floodfunny.,$nick),2))) { return }
  set -u120 %floodfunny On
  set -u240 %floodfunny. $+ $nick On
  msg $chan BACOCK!!!!!
  splay Chicken.mp3

Here is a basic logic of it.
Code: [Select]
If user == Peon {
splay chicken.mp3
msg $channel BAAACOCK!!!!
Do nothing.  Since the user doesn't have the appropriate level.

Feature Requests / Re: Rank-up Custom Sounds! And Alert!
« on: June 04, 2015, 04:04:39 AM »
I manually created this previously using IRC bot and scripting.

Basically upon the !<currency> check to see when a users points and evaluate if a rank up was possible.  I had a
Code: [Select]
splay rank13.mp3 or if going to rank 14 then it would
Code: [Select]
splay rank14.mp3.  So the delay that would apply to it would be the same as how often the user can use the command.  Though this could get very busy if you have a stream with 2000 viewers in it.  I suppose that is what the delays are for.

Where did you hear about DeepBot from?  Another Streamer named GreenUp_
Your stream name? DreadfullyDespized
Twitch bot account name? DaHauk
Your streaming schedule? Mon-Wed-Fri  7pm-10pm CST
Is your stream partnered with Twitch? No
Average number of users on your channel? 3-20
Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? Custom created scripts that have a point system along with audio that plays per level up along with user commands based on which level they are at.  Only downfall is I don't have a database backend.  I have a flatfile system.

10$ donation paid.

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]