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Messages - MaffinLP

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Re: Password of Bots Twitch account
« on: July 07, 2015, 01:14:37 AM »
The Name I chose for the bot is too short to create a new Twitch account and if I try with a twitch account with another Name than the bot than:
Incorrect account login. Please login to the twitch bot account.   

And if I want to Change my bots Name then:
Incorrect bot account for stream ´maffinlp´. Basede on your Beta license, you are only allowed to login with the Twitch bot account ´YunoBot´.

Help/Support / Password of Bots Twitch account
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:39:08 AM »
I watched your videos about how to set up DeepBot exactly, but I got stuck in the part to login to my Bots Twitch Account because I don´t know whats the password and how I can find it out... pls help me.

1. Streamer CurryLPz.
2. MaffinLP.
3. YunoBot.
4. Very Irregularly (from 0 to 10 times a Week).
5. No.
6.0 - 10.
7. No I don´t.

I donated the 10$.

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]