What Joe is talking about here is for people who want to give offline points to viewers, however do not have the ability to leave their computer on.
The solution would be to get a VPS which is on 24/7 and have a mechanism to switch over between the local GUI bot when online and VPS while offline.
Although it would be a great feature to provide, however the monthly cost for me to setup the VPS would have had been too high and was not something I wanted to get into at the initial stage of development.
Generally a good reliable VPS to be able to run this bot would cost $40 - $60 per month depending on the provider you choose.
If we can get 4-5 people who need this feature, I can host a large server and design the functionality to switch between server mode and local mode.
This would turn out to be a fixed monthly cost of ~ $15 - $20 just for this feature.