Author Topic: Android App  (Read 1681 times)

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Android App
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:08:40 PM »
Is it possible to make a Android app to make Raffles or other Options Enable/Disable?


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Re: Android App
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2014, 08:51:33 AM »
An Android app would be cool to make, but it doesn't seem like something that is entirely needed at this point. An app wouldn't be overly hard to create for somebody who knows Java well enough to create a basic app that can sync with your Network to control deepbot, if Deepbot has an open API/plugin capability to be able to attach custom made objects onto it that could retrieve app messages.

I have an XBMC remote on my phone that connects through the network to my XBMC Debian computer, and making something for Deepbot wouldn't be overly different. Deepbot just needs that functionality, and an app would have to be made. And of course it would require some set up on the users part. Local IPv4/MAC Address and stuff.