Author Topic: Betting system flaw.  (Read 1614 times)

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Betting system flaw.
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:22:27 AM »
The betting system appears to be flawed as of a 45+ minute debate on my stream that's currently happening.


Option 1 - Only 1 better - 4 points
Option 2 - 3 betters with a total of 211 points

There was no house cut on this particular bet.

Option 1 walks away with all 215 points.

The potential flaw here is:  Option 1 potentially only has 1 person that bets 1 point...
But walks away with the dramatic increase of the payout.

Solution:  Make it so there has to be a minimum bet amount.

Please implement this.  :(

Because as it stands, all it takes is people betting 100s of points left and right and those few throwing in just 1 point bets to take a huge cut instead of actually paying a fair share.

Otherwise on the other end, if they lost, they only lost 1 point, while everyone else is losing destructively more.

Or maybe I'm understanding this whole system wrong?
Please assist.


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Re: Betting system flaw.
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2014, 07:13:13 PM »
Betting is a game of probability.....

Everyone has the same amount of information available.
Therefore, the amount of points bet on each option should correspond to the perceived probability of that option being the likely result.

Therefore, if there are a lot of people betting on one option, then it would be likely that there is a high chance of that coming true. As such, the odds on that option will reduce significantly, therefore reducing the reward:risk ratio. Whereas, if there is an option that nobody is picking, then it would be a fairly unlikely outcome. As such, anyone betting on this wild chance, will have a very high reward:risk ratio.

These are the same principles used by bookies where they keep moving the odds around to ensure that the bets don't stack on one side.
Hope that makes sense.


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Re: Betting system flaw.
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2014, 07:27:29 PM »
I want to take the time to apologize now for how ridiculous that post sounded.  Now that I got some sleep, let's start again...:

No matter the bet.
No matter the people, here's the example, and question:

4 people bet on the winning option.
1 person bets 50.
1 bets 30.
1 bets 1000.
and the final person puts in 1 point.

Will the pot split evenly between all of them?
Or will the person that put in 1000 points receive the greatest reward and then it splits as it goes down?

Again, this is just a general question and the debate that was at hand.  I really do apologize for the confusion, but I want to thank you for your time.


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Re: Betting system flaw.
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2014, 07:33:14 PM »
The payout is proportioned by the bets.
So in this case the bet with 1000 will get most of the pot.