Author Topic: THIS is what we need! (Dont know what to call it)  (Read 1288 times)

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THIS is what we need! (Dont know what to call it)
« on: March 18, 2015, 04:34:50 AM »
We are still using deepbot as its just THAT good and we love it! But as with all things, it can get better!

I think one of the competitors to deepbot just nailed it!

look there, a page, that allows you to see and have all information at your fingertips! How much points you have earned, how much the payout is, function to enter raffles using your mouse instead of typing in chat. Top lists of all things, donations, ranks, points.

I would PAY for such a page for deepbot. like REALLY!


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Re: THIS is what we need! (Dont know what to call it)
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2015, 12:13:04 PM »
Completely understand. This is something we wanted to do as well. However, it is easier for a fully hosted bot where all the points are already in the cloud, rather than a locally hosted bot, where most of the data is stored locally and not available on the web.

We are evaluating the possibility of having a web based version of DeepBot, however that is an entire re-write of the code base. As such, we would like to finish the client application before undertaking such an endeavour.

Long story short, it is not something we can add to DeepBot the way it currently works. As such, a hosted solution is unlikely to come in 2015.