Sorry, for the long post, but I would like this to get resolved.
With this newest update I thought the command was working, but upon experimenting a bit more, it still seems to not be working. Switching from one level to another works, but the expiry only adds one month of vip on the initial command. Even if I change the number of days to be added, only one month is added.
For example:
Here are the commands I have created.
!buybronze- cost 1000 currency, set to add 7days of bronze
!buysilver- cost 2500 currency, set to add 14days of vip and upgrade from bronze to silver
!buygold- cost 4000 currency, set to add 30days of vip and upgrade from silver to gold
If I enter !buybronze the user is upgraded from viewer to vip bonze which expires 30 days later.
If I then enter !buysilver the user is upgraded to silver, but then 0 days are added to vip.