You can change how your alerts look in OBS CLR CSS code (if use obs clr).
Music tab should work, if your on chrome try this: Speech text, when a donation come in it will read off how much they donated the username (used t donate with) and the message the user said, you can add things to the end if you want, (this will only work if you have speech text turned on.
Channel msg, when someone donates is will display a message in chat of how much, who donated, there message and if you have the points it will add the points, if you add a message in that it will be displayed too.
Add note, this will add a note to there username in the user database, if you look to the very far right of a users name in user database you can see a note tab.
Auto VIP, I think they will get VIP if you have it setup.
- if I missed anything or something is wrong, please reply