So apparently my text-to-speech voice in my windows control panel expired and every time I open deepbot, it crashes.
I tried changing the text-to-speech voice back to the default windows and when I run deepbot, it still crashes.
Here is the log file:
05 May 22:59:23,189 - Crashed Cannot set voice. No matching voice is installed or the voice was disabled.
05 May 22:59:23,344 - Crashed at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SelectVoice(String name)
at #aq.#Jr.#r(Object #R8, EventArgs #S8)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at PulseButton.PulseButton.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
05 May 22:59:37,901 - Crashed Cannot set voice. No matching voice is installed or the voice was disabled.
05 May 22:59:37,902 - Crashed at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SelectVoice(String name)
at #aq.#Jr.#r(Object #R8, EventArgs #S8)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at PulseButton.PulseButton.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
05 May 23:02:04,982 - Crashed Cannot set voice. No matching voice is installed or the voice was disabled.
05 May 23:02:04,982 - Crashed at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SelectVoice(String name)
at DeepBot.Main.#DC()
at DeepBot.Main..ctor()
at #v.#sS.#Xb()
05 May 23:03:39,134 - Crashed Cannot set voice. No matching voice is installed or the voice was disabled.
05 May 23:03:39,149 - Crashed at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SelectVoice(String name)
at DeepBot.Main.#DC()
at DeepBot.Main..ctor()
at #v.#sS.#Xb()
05 May 23:04:59,055 - Crashed Cannot set voice. No matching voice is installed or the voice was disabled.
05 May 23:04:59,062 - Crashed at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SelectVoice(String name)
at DeepBot.Main.#DC()
at DeepBot.Main..ctor()
at #v.#sS.#Xb()