Author Topic: Roll lock after rolling a winner  (Read 1104 times)

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  • Youngling
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Roll lock after rolling a winner
« on: July 04, 2015, 07:37:14 AM »
Hey there I have a suggestion about rolling a winner for the raffle.

I have had the issue a couple of time when tabbing in or out games sometimes didn't work perfectly and when I pressed enter or spacebar
it would reroll a second, or even a third winner. This is quite awkward if you roll unintentionally two or three winners.

So my suggestion would be a optional 'reroll lock', enabled by default, of a minute and if one presses roll again it would get a confirm message if the streamer wants to reroll.
The confirmation dialog box should be defaulted to NO so pressing by accident spacebar/enter or even when your mouse button is faulty and click twice (yes I have had such a mouse) it would never reroll a winner.