Author Topic: Intro to Crazeeglue  (Read 1166 times)

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Intro to Crazeeglue
« on: July 05, 2015, 01:44:45 AM »
Hello everyone.  The name is crazeeglue and I started streaming april 21st 2015.  So to be honest, I am still pretty new to this, but I enjoy playing games so it's been a blast.  I am 29 years old , server 8 years in the U.S. army, and now I started twitch up as a way to get more social and interactive with people.  Suffering from issues faced after 28 months of combat time in Iraq i turned to twitch for a way to stay active, enjoy games with friends, and expand a community. I dont have a youtube yet, nor did i come from a huge gaming community so starting on twitch everyone told me i wouldnt make it past a hundred followers.  We just passed 260 in about 2 months when I found deepbot from watching some of you stream =) . If you guys want to check out my stream and hang out, give me feedback, or just play some games, then EVERYONE is welcome so come on by!  - I look forward to meeting you!  I stream from Noon-6 pm or later daily 7 days a week pacific timezone.