Author Topic: I would like to import followers, points, etc history from another Deepbot user.  (Read 2726 times)

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This question may not be as simple as appears in the thread title, and if you feel it should be in feature requests please move it as you feel fit.

I am a moderator on several streams and have plans to stream myself in the near future. We also have plans for a 24hr stream which will require several administrators throughout the 24hr cycle. Currently a team of us administer certain streams using a program similar to windows 'Remote Desktop' however some who wish to have our moderation help are not happy to allow this level of access. I understand that I can store/switch out the data and backup folder for each individual streamers channel for settings, but this doesn't seem to import followers, points  etc. (though strangely it does give me a donation history for the 'local' streamer). We have tried to run 2 copies of DeepBot, same Twitch login for both bot name local and remote, in the same channel and that works but with limitations.

What 'we' would like to know is, is it possible to have two Deepbots running, same bot name, disable some features on one bot and have others run locally and some run remotely? It may be that I am requesting a feature set that is not available, or not desired, but on busy streams it would help if remote mods could carry out such things as polls, betting, raffles etc and the local DeepBot issue notifications of followers and donations etc while synchronising total points for each viewer. Music requests currently also have to run from the local machine, but is it possible to delete an 'undesired' song using the remote Deepbot after preview and have this delete the song on the local DeepBot? This is a particular feature request from some who wish only 'family friendly' music requests be allowed by mods while the streamer engages in fast paced gameplay, and can't get to delete the song quickly enough. NightBots web interface with allocation of song ID numbers lends itself to this while PasteBin does not seem to, or am I wrong? Most users of Deepbot that I'm associated with disable DeepbBot music requests in favor of NightBot for this reason.

Failing any of the above would it be possible to run one copy of Deepbot remotely (and exactly how to migrate all info to remote?) and have it trigger notifications in the local OBS, so that the streamer need only watch his own stream/chat on Twitch? This ofcourse would entail using Nightbot for music request/preview/deletion running on the local machines'stream.

Thank you in advance


« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 07:27:12 AM by s1rmunchalot »


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You can access some features of DeepBot (music, notifications etc.) remotely. Please see here for more info :
However, this is limited access. Given the extent of customisation and features that exist, having physical access to the UI is needed for advanced customisation.

Switching the data folder should swap all settings related to DeepBot, including points and follower status. Do note, follower status may be inaccurate if you have more that 1600 followers, since twitch has blocked access to the full follower list for the last 6 months. More information here :
