Author Topic: Command Counter Value Backup out of sync with Currency/User Database Backup  (Read 1173 times)

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  • Twitch Name: Marstead
Bug: Counter value for a command that costs currency occasionally reverts to a lower value, but currency remains spent.
Info: I expect that the counter value for individual commands is backed up less frequently than the currency & user database. When I experience a crash I find some of my counters for commands are behind, but the currency spent to activate those commands remains spent and has not been similarly reverted.
How did you produce this bug or come across it?: See below for full details, I use command counters for a persistent voting system for games. Viewers spend currency to vote for games, and I've noticed only recently that sometimes votes are lost (the counter value drops even after the bot confirms votes in chat) but the currency remains spent. It appears to occur after the client crashes or the bot otherwise disconnects unexpectedly.
Pic: Can provide a .txt log with some examples if it would help

I have a number of commands that I use for persistent voting purposes. Viewers spend currency to vote, incrementing the counter on the command by one. Looking back through my records I occasionally see votes are lost. That is, the viewer spends currency to vote, the currency remains spent, but the counter reverts a few steps. I'm able to manually recover the votes by stepping through my chat log to find the individual chat commands and see where a command "lost" votes in the counter, but I'd like to figure out what's going on.

My client has crashed a couple times in the intervening windows when I see that missing votes, so I assume that's the issue; what's interesting though is that the currency values are not reverted, but the counter values are set back. I would not have an issue with this if the currencies were also reverted when the counter values are lost, I would just ask viewers to vote again if the vote count looks wrong. Instead their currency is effectively disappearing.

tl;dr: Does the currency/user database backup occur more frequently than the Command Counters backup, and can this be adjusted so that they are in sync?

If you need more information to troubleshoot this issue please let me know.