To be honest I don't know why others wouldn't like this feature.
It is everyones favourite, atleast at my channel.
You can sell these .. -how will we call it.. month raffle ?- tickets for higher amount of currency, so you have the casual ones interested (chance for a ticket via keyword raffle, just be online..)and they are online as much as possible to get a chance in the random keyword raffle ( that gives raffle tickets for month raffle.. still following me ?) or just donate and buy some tickets directly, or use previously stored points. Very fair, very faved by everyone
Bot could easily track it in some kind of (text)file, which could be synched via cloud to the mods (totally my stuff, not a bot request : )
at the end of the month, you would just draw this month raffle.
Simple, efficent, also beautiful
Anyone ? ^^ We would need more votes on this one, please