Couple of mere quality of life things that I noticed.
I'm pretty heavily active with the user groups that Deepbot provides as I like VIP levels to remove once peoples subscription expires. I don't know the logistics of having this done automatically so for the time being I do this manually. With that being said, when I'm removing/adjusting/modifying people the list has a tendency to not stay on the sorting filter I originally choose and flash back to the top.
For example :
If I'm editing a user whose name begins with "U".. Let's say "Username23".. Username23 expired yesterday and I want to manually remove his VIP Bronze. I sort alphabetically and adjust Username23's profile. The list refreshes, puts me back at the top and jumbles all the names in the list so it's not sorted alphabetically anymore. Having to adjust 30-40 and potentially more usernames in the future, it is only a few extra clicks but it would be a lot easier to not have to do those if at all possible.
With user editing, is there a way to multi-edit users? That would be extremely helpful. If something conflicts... Say I try to multi-edit a VIP Silver and a VIP Bronze, you could always have that variable remain blank but if they're both VIP Bronze or maybe no VIP it would show up as such. (Similiar to how I-Tunes handles multisong edits).
Also - Checking off to not have people show on Top-Lists is not working. I can demonstrate in my channel if you wish. I have myself omitted and still show up under the !top14 command.
Thanks for the wonderful bot guys. Keep up the great work!