Author Topic: User VIP Expiry Date  (Read 1163 times)

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  • Youngling
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User VIP Expiry Date
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:55:27 AM »
Bug: VIP Expiry date is updated to 1 month from donation date, not 1 month from current expiry date.
Info: When a donation is made, the expiry date should be increased by one month. Such as when they are renewing their VIP before current expiration date.
How you produced this bug or came across it: Last night while streaming, I had an existing VIP user donate money to renew their VIP status. The current expiration date was April 8th, and DeepBot set the new expiration date to May 3rd. This is a month past the payment (today's) date, not a month added to the existing expiration date. I have had this happen before, and had to manually fix it in the database.
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