To add a built-in cooldown to the command...
@if@[>=||@calc@[-|@unixtime@|@readfile@[BettingStatsCmdCD.txt]]||15||@savefile@[BettingStatsCmdCD.txt,@unixtime@]Betting Stats: @if@[@readfile@[obs\BettingStats.txt]||||No betting pool currently active.||@readfile@[obs\BettingStats.txt]]||]
The cooldown as provided is 15 seconds. To change the length of the cooldown, edit the command — this can be done via chat, as the command text isn't very long — and change the 15 to whatever you want the cooldown to be.
When this command succeeds, it writes @unixtime@ to the cooldown file, then reads the BettingStats.txt file, as detailed in my original post. When this command fails, due to still being on cooldown, nothing is output.
NOTE: I am aware there is a cooldown option in the GUI that makes this built-in cooldown unnecessary. I am providing this built-in cooldown check for chat moderators, such as myself, who do not have access to the GUI.