An idea would be to configure the bankheist how you want, and probably set Cops Cooldown (Mins) to about 15 mins:
Then change the bankheist entry command to something random, like !bheist1234:
You will also need to make sure to change any @command@ in the bankheist config to the command you want. There is one in Entry Instructions line, I changed mine to !bankheist to give you an example of what I mean:
With this command below, you just have to execute it once whenever you start the bot up and it will run the command to start the heist every 20 mins. I set cooldown to 1190 so it comes off cooldown 10 seconds early for leeway.
The viewer command can be like this: (Even if users ran this command when bankheist is over, bankheist would still be on cooldown since I have it set to 15 mins, plus a little leeway since the bankheist by default has a 120 second entry time, then it takes a min or two to run the actual heist after the 120 seconds. So gave it a few mins in between.)
If you want the viewer command to have a cooldown per user, then you can setup the command with a custom cooldown using this guide: you need help with setting up the cooldown command, let me know. I have a cooldown command example setup that I can throw in the bankheist command.