Author Topic: Deepbot Freezes / wont respond  (Read 918 times)

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  • Youngling
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Deepbot Freezes / wont respond
« on: May 28, 2016, 06:20:35 AM »
every few minutes (around 2-5) deepbot freezes and becomes unresponsive for around 20 seconds to 1 minutes. No actions can be done while frozen unless forcefully shut down and restarted.
if left alone, deepbot recovers from it by itsself like nothing happened but continues to freeze  again after some time.
it repeats the freezing all the time, so keeping it up for a while doesnt make any difference.
to test if either my firewall or my antivirus programm are causing the issue, ive disabled them and restarted deepbot, issue continues.
its also only deepbot freezing, the rest of the PC works just fine and smooth as always.