So I just installed DeepBot today and when I filled out the questions before getting the bot on the forum it asked if I was transferring over any points from a previous bot. Which I said yes, I've used Revlobot for awhile. When I was looking at the tutorial about setting up DeepBot there's apparently a link that you use that allows you to transfer the data from bot to bot in the message sent with the download link. I didn't get a link for the bot data transfer in the message.
Also, I didn't realize a separate account was supposed to be made on twitch for the bot. So originally I said I wanted my bot to be ZombieBot but that's obviously taken. I setup an account for the bot and the name is Z0MB1EBot (the o is a zero and the i is a one). I don't know if you need my twitch name for the new bot name but my twitch is ZombieUnicornCatt.
Any help with this is appreciated thanks =)