When you say "control" do you mean just control them typing emotes in chat? There is a workaround to get that particular function working for you. Keep reading to find out how.
GUIDE BEGINFor this to work you're going to need to be a VIP user as this will make use of the moderation feature. If you're not a VIP user you can become one here
http://deepbot.tv/services. For everything VIP users have access to click here
http://wiki.deepbot.tv/doku.php?id=vip_featuresWith that obligatory segment out the way, lets get into the meat of the guide. Follow these steps to achieve greatness (and control, obviously)
Moderation by default is disabled as having it enabled can increase CPU usage on the PC that Deepbot is residing on. First navigate to the
moderation tab and click the
Links button. Enable this moderation feature. This particular feature needs to be enabled to allow use of the !permit command which will prove key to your particular usage. Do note that !permit will grant access through ALL the moderation layers.
Next, click the
Banned Words button and add the FFZ emotes you want to control. I'm afraid this step will take you a while as you will need to enter each of these manually. You can go an extra step further and control BTTV emotes by adding them to the same list. If you want to control the normal Twitch emotes you can do this by clicking the
Spam button and ticking
Emote Spam. Set this to 0 to deal with all emotes that get posted in chat.
Below is the command that you need to allow your viewers to "buy" access to post emotes in your chat. I made it so they need a minimum of 100 points (Viewer, VIP Bronze, VIP Silver, VIP Gold) to buy the permit. Copy the code in the box below to have this already set up for you. To import a command into your Deepbot go to
Channel Commands -> Right Click any command -> Import Command and paste the code in the box that appears.
"command": "!buyemote",
"group": "",
"status": true,
"runAsBot": false,
"runAsUserElevated": false,
"startsWithEx": false,
"message": "!permit @user@",
"lastUsed": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"cooldown": 0,
"accessLevel": 1,
"soundFile": "",
"costEnabled": true,
"costAll": 0,
"costVIPViewer": 100,
"costVIPB": 100,
"costVIPS": 100,
"costVIPG": 100,
"costVIPMod": 0,
"costVIPStreamer": 0,
"OnScreenWidgetEnabled": false,
"OnScreenWidgetName": "",
"OnScreenWidgetTitle": "",
"OnScreenWidgetMessage": "",
"OnScreenWidgetImageLink": "",
"OnScreenWidgetAnimMode": 0,
"OBSRemoteEnabled": false,
"OBSRemoteAction": 0,
"OBSRemoteSceneName": "",
"CommandChaningCmdName": "",
"CommandChaningRunAfter": 0,
"CommandChaningRunAsAdmin": false,
"VIPModEnabled": false,
"VIPModIfViewer": 0,
"VIPModIfVIPB": 0,
"VIPModIfVIPS": 0,
"VIPModIfVIPG": 0,
"VIPModAddDays": 30,
"countdown": "2016-07-08T01:10:14.5848562+01:00",
"counter": 0,
"APITarget": false,
"hideFromCmdList": false,
"accessDeniedMsg": "",
"noPointsMsg": "",
"disableChanAccess": false,
"disableWhisperAccess": false,
"disableDiscordAccess": false,
"isSoundVolumeSet": true,
"soundVolume": 100