I am creating a command that will multiply the target by constant and then deduct the result from the users points. I have that portion figured out (took me a minute....). Anyway, I want to have explanation text appear if the user DOES NOT provide a target and just types the command in. I found that I can use an IF statement, but for some reason I am having issues.
I built a test command like this and it returns true if a target of 1 or higher is entered and displays the false text when no targets are entered:
@if@[>=||@target@||1||True target is greater than or equal to 1||False target is less than 1 and probably doesn't exist]
When I try to incorporate the actions that occur when the statement is true or false for the real command, it will only take action when it returns true and will not print out the text if no target is provided... I'm stumped because it should work... Anyway, here is the mega confusing command I am trying to get to work:
@if@[>=||@target@||1||@user@ the Knight has requested @target@ airstabs from SirEnzlow, at the price of @calc@[*|@target@|5] @pointsname@! @editpoints@[@user@|-@calc@[*|@target@|5]]||Airstabs cost 5 Ingots, please specify how many stabs you'd like to request]
Seems like something is breaking the IF statement if it returns as false... Does anyone know how to fix this?