Author Topic: Stream Titles with Square Brackets  (Read 1198 times)

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Stream Titles with Square Brackets
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:44:20 PM »
Bug: Stream Titles with Square Brackets Processed as Closing Bracket of Variables
Info: If a stream title contains square brackets, the closing square bracket will be used as the closing bracket of variables.
How you produced this bug or came across it:
  • Set the stream title to something with square brackets, such as MM with Viewers [Day 100/365] !discord
  • Create a command such as !addcmd !status @if@[@uptime@||Offline||Stream is offline.||@title@ (@game@)]
  • Use the command when stream is offline.  Output will be: Stream is offline. !discord (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)]
Note the closing square bracket at the end of the output, because the closing square bracket from the day counter in the title is used as the closing square bracket for the @if@ variable, thus leaving the closing square bracket after the game as actual text.
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